Sunday, October 21, 2012

Boobs schmoobs

October brings to mind many things: leaves changing color, Halloween, breast cancer awareness. But did you know that it is also National Sarcastic Awareness month? No, I didn't either because ladies' headlights keep stealing the spotlight. Football players don't wear pink shoes to show their support for sarcasm awareness; they wear it to show their support for healthy boobs. (Insert your own bra joke here.)

Well, I say that we need to rise up and let the public know just what sarcasm is all about! Did you know that sarcasm affects 100% of Americans? We all need to get our inner sarcastic voice checked by professionals once a year and self exams should be done every day to unsuspecting friends and coworkers. Should you find that your audience responds with a hurt expression because she thinks that you're sincere, seek immediate medical attention. Prolonging help will result in decreased levels of sarcasm and increased levels of genuine kindness. Don't let this happen to you or your loved ones. Spread the sarcastic word today!